Ultimate 750 in 1 Kit - Red/Red

The Ultimate 750 in 1 Arcade Kit
The Ultimate 750 in 1 is a great JAMMA PCB containing 750 Amazing Games!
Can display to your existing Arcade CGA or VGA Monitor without the need for a Video Converter! It will work in either your upright JAMMA Cabinet or Cocktail Table JAMMA Machine.
Play the classics such as Aero Fighters 3, Dinosaurs and Cadillacs, Gem Fighter, Vampire Savior 2, Rage of the Dragons and so more great games in one JAMMA PCB!
Take yourself back into the pass and enjoy the games!
Enjoy and play with KIDS and Friends!
- Universal JAMMA Connector
- User Friendly Game Selection Screen
- Free Play or Coin/Token Option (Coin Diameter : 18mm~33mm Coin thickness : 1.2mm~3.3mm)
- Supports CGA (standard resolution) and VGA (high resolution) Monitors
- Supports Upright and Cocktail Cabinets (screen will automatically flip for second player)
- Each Game Is Fully Customizable (Difficulty, Game Speed, Number of Lives, etc)
- Enable/Disable Specific Games
- Standard JAMMA Video Output or VGA Output (hook PC monitor up directly)
- Uses Standard Arcade Power Supply or ATX PC Power Supply (with standard 4-pin Molex Connector, the same used for Hard Drives/CD ROM drives)
- Latest version now can use a standard arcade type trackball!
Arcade Kit Includes:
- 750 in 1 JAMMA Cartridge
- 2 x Joysticks
- 12 x Standard Arcade Buttons
- 2 x Extra Black Standard Arcade Buttons
- 1 x Player 1 Standard Start Button (White)
- 1 x Player 2 Standard Start Button (White)
- 1 x JAMMA Harness
- 1 x Arcade Power Supply
- 1 x Coin Mechanism
- 1 x Cooling Fan
- 2 x Speaker
- 2 x Speaker Grills
- 16 x Arcade Button Microswitches
- 4 x PCB Mounting Feet
- 1 x Cam Lock
(Monitor/Screen, Cabinets are not included,you still need power cable for power switch and cabinet)
Product Requirement:
Requires a Monitor with either a VGA or CGA Connector, otherwise a VGA to HDMI Adapter can be purchased.
750 in 1 Game List:
1. 10-Yard Fight 2. 1944: The Loop Master 3. 2020 Super Baseball 4. 3 Count Bout 5. 4-D Warriors 6. 88 Games 7. Acrobatic Dog-Fight 8. Act-Fancer Hyper Weapon 9. Aero Fighters 2 10. Aero Fighters 3 11. Aggressors of Dark Kombat 12. Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit 13. Airwolf 14. Alien Syndrome 15. Alien vs. Predator 16. Aliens 17. Alpha Mission II 18. Ambush 19. Andro Dunos 20. Appoooh 21. Aqua Jack 22. Aquarium 23. Area 88 24. Armored Warriors 25. Art of Fighting 26. Art of Fighting 2 27. Art of Fighting 3 28. Asteroids 29. Asteroids Deluxe 30. Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty 31. Aurail 32. B.C. Story (set 1) 33. Back Street Soccer 34. Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja 35. Bad Lands 36. Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki(1P) 37. Bang Bead 38. Bank Panic 39. Baraduke 40. Baseball Stars 2 41. Baseball Stars Professional 42. Batman(1P) 43. Battle Circuit 44. Battle City 45. Battle Flip Shot 46. Battle K-Road 47. Battle Rangers 48. Berzerk 49. Big Striker 50. Biomechanical Toy(1P) 51. Bionic Commando 52. Bio-ship Paladin 53. Black Dragon 54. Black Tiger 55. Blade Master 56. Blandia 57. Blaster 58. Blaze On 59. Blazing Star 60. Block Hole 61. Blocken 62. Blomby Car 63. Blood Bros. 64. Blue's Journey 65. Bogey Manor 66. Bomb Kick 67. Bomber Man 68. Bomber Man World 69. Bonk's Adventure 70. Boogie Wings 71. Bosconian 72. Bottom of the Ninth 73. Boulder Dash 74. Brain 75. Break Thru 76. Breakers 77. Breakers Revenge 78. Bubble 2000 79. Bubble Bobble 80. Bubbles 81. Bullfight 82. Burglar X 83. Burning Fight 84. Cabal 85. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 86. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Plus 87. Calorie Kun vs Moguranian 88. CamelTry 89. Capcom Sports Club 90. Captain America and The Avengers 91. Captain Commando 92. Captain Tomaday 93. Caveman Ninja 94. Challenger 95. Chameleon 96. Champion Wrestler 97. Changes 98. Chiki Chiki Boys 99. Chimera Beast 100. Choko(1P) 101. Choky! Choky! 102. Choplifter 103. Chuka Taisen 104. City Connection 105. Clash-Road 106. Cobra-Command 107. Combat School 108. Cookie & Bibi 109. Cookie & Bibi 2 110. Cookie & Bibi 3 111. Cop 01 112. Cosmic Avenger 113. Counter Run 114. Crazy Climber 115. Crime City 116. Crime Fighters 117. Crime Fighters 2 118. Crossed Swords 119. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 120. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus 121. Crude Buster 122. Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness 123. Cyber-Lip 124. Dai Ressya Goutou 125. Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels 126. Dark Seal 127. Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors 128. Date Quiz Go Go 129. D-Con 130. Dead Connection 131. Defender 132. Demon's World 133. Denjin Makai II 134. Diamond Run 135. Diet Go Go 136. Dino Rex 137. Diver Boy 138. Do! Run Run 139. Don Doko Don 140. Double Dragon 141. Double Dragon ! 142. Double Dragon 2 143. Double Dragon 2 144. Double Dragon(JP 145. Dragon Blaze 146. Dragon Breed 147. Dragon Unit 148. Dragon World II (ver. 100C)(1P) 149. Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara 150. Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom |
151. Dynablaster 152. Dynamite Dux 153. Dynasty Wars 154. E.D.F. E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force 155. Earth of Crisis 156. Eco Fighters 157. Eight Man 158. Elevator Action 159. Espial 160. E-Swat 161. Euro Champ '92 162. Exerion 163. Express Raider 164. F-1 Dream 165. Fancy World - 166. Fantasia II 167. Fantasy Zone 168. Fatal Fury 169. Fatal Fury 2 170. Fatal Fury 3 171. Fatal Fury Special 172. Fight Fever 173. Fighters Swords 174. Final Blow 175. Final Fight 176. Final Tetris 177. Flash Point 178. Flashgal 179. Flicky 180. Football Champ 181. Football Frenzy 182. Forgotten Worlds 183. Formation Z 184. Forty-Love 185. Frenzy 186. Funky Jet 187. Funny Bubble 188. Gaia Crusaders 189. Galaga 190. Galaxy Fight 191. Gals Hustler 192. Gang Wars 193. Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki 194. Garou - Mark of the Wolves 195. Garyo Retsuden 196. Gauntlet 197. Gauntlet II 198. Genpei ToumaDen 199. Ghost Pilots 200. Ghostlop 201. Ghosts'n Goblins 202. Ghouls'n Ghosts 203. Giga Wing 204. Goal! Goal! Goal! 205. Golden Axe 206. Gondomania 207. Got-cha Mini Game Festival 208. Gradius 209. Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou 210. Gradius III 211. Great 1000 Miles Rally 212. Green Beret 213. Gridlee 214. Growl 215. Gunbird 216. Gunbird 2 217. Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island 218. Gunforce 2 219. Gururin 220. Hachoo! 221. Hard Head 222. Hatch Catch 223. Hatris 224. Head Panic 225. Heavy Barrel 226. Hebereke no Popoon 227. Hellfire 228. Hexion 229. Hippodrome 230. Hit the Ice 231. Honey Dolls 232. Hook 233. Hot Chase(1P) 234. Hyper Olympic 235. Hyper Pacman 236. Hyper Sports 237. Hyper Sports Special 238. Ice Climber 239. Ikari III - The Rescue 240. I'm Sorry 241. In The Hunt 242. Insector X 243. Iron Horse 244. Ironman Stewart's Super OffRoad 245. J. J. Squawkers 246. Jail Break 247. Joe & Mac 248. Joe & Mac Returns 249. Joust 250. Joy Joy Kid 251. Jump Kids 252. Jumping 253. Jungle Hunt (US) 254. Jungle King 255. Jyangokushi - Haoh no Saihai(1P) 256. Jyanshin Densetsu(1P) 257. Kabuki Klash - Far East of Eden 258. Karate Blazers 259. Karian Cross 260. Karnov 261. Karnov's Revenge 262. Kick Off 263. Kick Rider 264. Killer Comet 265. King of Fighters 2000, The 266. King of Fighters 2003, The 267. King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero, The 268. King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus, The 269. King of Gladiator 270. King of the Monsters 271. King of the Monsters 2 272. Kizuna Encounter 273. Klax 274. Knights of the Round 275. Knights of Valour 276. Knights of Valour 2 277. Knights of Valour 2(106) 278. Knights of Valour Plus 279. Knights of Valour Plus(ver. 119) 280. Knights of Valour(ver. 115) 281. Knuckle Bash 282. Knuckle Bash 2 283. Knuckle Joe 284. Kodure Ookami 285. KOF 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique 286. KOF 10th Extra Plus 287. KOF 2001 288. KOF 2002 289. KOF 2002 chinese 290. KOF 2002 Magic Plus 2 291. KOF 2002 Magic Plus 3 292. KOF 2002 Plus 293. KOF 2002 Super 294. KOF 94 295. KOF 95 296. KOF 95 PLUS 297. KOF 96 298. KOF 96 PLUS 299. KOF 97 300. KOF 97 Boss |
301. KOF 97 evolution 302. KOF 97 Plus 303. KOF 98 304. KOF 99 - Millennium Battle 305. KOF 99 chinese 306. KOF Special Edition 2004 307. KOF97 BDQ 308. KOF97 BH ) 309. KOF97 combo 310. KOF97 lb3 311. KOF97 TS 312. Koutetsu Yousai Strahl 313. Kung-Fu Master 314. Kuri Kinton 315. Lansquenet 2004 316. Last Blade 317. Last Resort 318. League Bowling 319. Legend 320. Legend of Hero Tonma 321. Legend of Makai 322. Legend of Success Joe 239. Robo Army 323. Lifeforce (Japan) 324. Lifeforce (US) 325. Liquid Kids 326. Lode Runner - The Dig Fight 327. Logic Pro 328. Logic Pro 2 329. M.A.C.H.3 330. M.I.A. - Missing in Action 331. Mad Motor 332. Magic Bubble 333. Magic Sword 334. Magical Crystals 335. Magical Drop II 336. Magical Drop III 337. Magician Lord 338. Magix 339. Mahjong Kyoretsuden(1P) 340. Main Event, The 341. Main Stadium 342. Major Title 2 343. Makyou Senshi 344. Mang-Chi 345. Marine Boy 346. Mario Bros 347. Markham 348. Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting 349. Marvel Super Heroes 350. Marvel Super Heroes 351. Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter 352. Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes 353. Master of Syougi 354. Matrimelee 355. Mega Man - The Power Battle 356. Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters 357. Mega Twins 358. Megatack 359. Meikyuu Hunter G 360. Metal Black 361. Metal Saver 362. Metal Slug 363. Metal Slug 2 364. Metal Slug 3 365. Metal Slug 4 366. Metal Slug 5 367. Metal Slug 5 Plus 368. Metal Slug 6 369. Metal Slug X 370. Metal Slug X Plus 371. Metamoqester 372. Metro-Cross 373. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker 374. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker 375. Midnight Resistance 376. Mighty! Pang 377. Mighty! Pang 378. Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally 379. Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally(USA) 380. Mille Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally(USA) 381. Minnasanno Okagesamadesu(1P 382. Miss Bingo 383. Miss World '96 384. Missile Command 385. Mobile Suit Gundam 386. Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue 387. Momoko 120% 388. Money Puzzle Exchanger 389. Moon Patrol 390. More More 391. More More Plus 392. Mr. Do's Wild Ride 393. Mr. Goemon 394. Mr. HELI no Dai-Bouken 395. Mug Smashers 396. MuHanSeungBu (SemiCom Baseball) 397. Multi Champ 398. Multi Champ Deluxe 399. Muscle Bomber Duo 400. Mutant Fighter 401. Mutation Nation 402. My Hero 403. Mystic Riders 404. NAM-1975 405. Naname de Magic! 406. Nastar 407. Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun 408. Nemo 409. Neo Bomberman 410. Neo Drift Out(1P) 411. Neo Mr. Do! 412. Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf 413. Neo-Geo Cup '98-The Road to the Victory 414. New Rally X 415. Nightmare in the Dark 416. Ninja Combat 417. Ninja Gaiden 418. Ninja Master's 419. Ninja Spirit 420. Nova 2001 421. Off the Wall(1P) 422. Oh My God! 423. Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal 424. Operation Ragnagard 425. Oriental Legend 426. Out Run(1P) 427. Over Top(1P) 428. P.O.W. - Prisoners of War 429. P-47 - The Phantom Fighter 430. Pac-Land 431. Palamedes 432. Pang 433. Pang Pang 434. Pang! 3 435. Panic Bomber 436. Paperboy 437. Parodius DA! 438. Pass 439. Peek-a-Boo 440. Penguin Brothers 441. Penguin-kun Wars 442. Perfect Billiard 443. Peter Pack-Rat 444. Photo Y2K 445. Pigout 446. Pipe Dream 447. Pipi & Bibis 448. Pirate Pete 449. Pirate Ship Higemaru 450. Pirates |
451. Pistol Daimyo no Bouken 452. Pitfall II 453. Pleasure Goal 454. Plotting 455. Plump Pop 456. Pnickies 457. Pochi and Nyaa 458. Pocket Gal 459. Pocket Gal Deluxe 460. Ponpoko 461. Pop 'n Bounce 462. Power Instinct 463. Power Instinct 2 464. Power Instinct Legends 465. Power Spikes 466. Power Spikes II 467. Prebillian 468. Prehistoric Isle 2 469. Prehistoric Isle in 1930 470. Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon 471. Progear 472. Psycho Soldier 473. PuLiRuLa 474. Pulstar 475. Punk Shot 476. Puzz Loop 2 477. Puzzle Bobble 478. Puzzle Bobble (B-System) 479. Puzzle Bobble 2 480. Puzzle Club 481. Puzzle De Bowling 482. Puzzle De Pon 483. Puzzle De Pon R 484. Puzzle King 485. Puzzle Star 486. Puzzle Uo Poko 487. Puzznic 488. Quiz & Dragons 489. Rabio Lepus 490. Rage of the Dragons 491. Raiden 492. Raiders5 493. Raiga - Strato Fighter 494. Raimais 495. Rainbow Islands 496. Rally X 497. Rambo III (Europe) 498. Rambo III (US) 499. Rampage 500. Rastan 501. Rastan Saga 2 502. Real and Fake 503. Real Bout Fatal Fury 504. Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 505. Real Bout Fatal Fury Special 506. Rezon 507. Riding Hero 508. Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II 509. Riot 510. Riot City 511. River Patrol 512. RoadRunner 513. Robby Roto 514. Robocop 515. Robocop 2 516. Robotron 517. Rockman - The Power Battle 518. Rod-Land 519. Rollergames 520. Rolling Thunder 2 521. Rough Ranger 522. Rougien 523. R-Type 524. R-Type II 525. R-Type Leo 526. Rush'n Attack 527. Rygar 528. S.P.Y. - Special Project Y 529. Saboten Bombers 530. Salamander 531. Samurai Aces 532. Samurai Shodown 533. Samurai Shodown II 534. Samurai Shodown III 535. Samurai Shodown IV 536. Samurai Shodown V Special 537. Saturday Night Slam Masters 538. Sauro 539. Savage Reign 540. scion 541. SD Fighter 542. SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui 543. Sea Fighter Poseidon 544. Search Eye 545. Section Z 546. Sega Ninja 547. Sel Feena 548. SemiCom 3-in-1 549. Sengoku 550. Sengoku 2 551. SF-X 552. Shadow Dancer 553. Shadow Force 554. Shadow Warriors 555. Shanghai III 556. Shinobi 557. Shock Troopers 558. Shock Troopers 2 559. Shocking 560. Shoot Out 561. Shuuz 562. Side Arms - Hyper Dyne 563. Side Pocket 564. Silent Dragon 565. Silkworm 566. Silver Land 567. Sinistar 568. Sky Kid 569. Sly Spy 570. Snap Jack 571. SNK vs Capcom 572. SNK vs Capcom Plus 573. SNK vs Capcom Super Plus 574. Snow Bros 575. Snow Bros. 2 576. Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure 577. Soccer Brawl 578. Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness 579. Soldam 580. Solitary Fighter 581. Solomon's Key 582. Souko Ban Deluxe(1P) 583. Space Bomber 584. Space Invaders 585. Space Invaders DX 586. Space Zap 587. Sparkz 588. Spatter 589. Spinal Breakers 590. Spinmaster 591. Splat 592. Stakes Winner 593. Stakes Winner 2 594. Star Wars 595. Stargate 596. Strategy X 597. Street Fight 598. Street Fighter Alpha 2 599. Street Fighter Alpha 3 600. Street Fighter II |
601. Street Fighter II - Champion 602. Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (M4) 603. Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (M5) 604. Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (M6) 605. Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (M7) 606. Street Fighter II - Hyper Fighting 607. Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting(World) 608. Street Fighter II - Rainbow 609. Street Fighter II' - Rainbow 2 610. Street Fighter II - Red Wave 611. Street Fighter II - V004 612. Street Fighter II Turbo 613. Street Fighter Zero 2 614. Street Fighter Zero 3 615. Street Hoop 616. Street Smart 617. Strider 618. Strikers 1945 II 619. Strikers 1945 III 620. Sunset Riders 621. Super Burger Time 622. Super Cross 2 623. Super Dodge Ball 624. Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix 625. Super Mario Bros 626. Super Missile Attack 627. Super Pang 628. Super Pierrot 629. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo 630. Super Puzzle Fighter II X 631. Super Real Darwin 632. Super Sidekicks 633. Super Sidekicks 2 634. Super Sidekicks 3 635. Super Sidekicks 4 636. Super Spacefortress Macross II 637. Super Street Fighter II Turbo 638. Super Street Fighter II X 639. Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers 640. Super Trio 641. Super Volleyball 642. Superman 643. Surprise Attack 644. Surprise Attack 645. Swimmer 646. Tang Tang 647. Tank Force 648. Tao Taido 649. Tapper 650. Tecmo Knight 651. Tecmo World Cup '90 652. Tecmo World Soccer '96 653. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 654. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 655. Terra Cresta 656. Terra Force 657. Tetris 658. Tetris (set 1) 659. Tetris (System 16A) 660. Tetris(Japan) 661. The Berlin Wall 662. The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy 663. The Combatribes ) 664. The FairyLand Story 665. The Final Round 666. The Irritating Maze(1P) 667. The Killing Blade 668. The King of Dragons 669. The Last Blade 2 670. The Legend of Silkroad 671. The NewZealand Story 672. The Ninja Kids 673. The Punisher 674. The Real Ghostbusters 675. The Simpsons 676. The Super Spy(1P) 677. The Winter Bobble 678. Thrash Rally 679. Three Wonders 680. Thunder Fox 681. Thunder Zone 682. Time Tunnel 683. Toki 684. Toki 685. Top Hunter 686. Top Player's Golf 687. Toppy & Rappy 688. Toryumon 689. Track & Field 690. Tricky Doc 691. Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me 692. Trog 693. Trojan 694. Tropical Angel 695. Tube Panic 696. Tube-It 697. Tumble Pop 698. Twin Action 699. Twinkle 700. Twinkle Star Sprites 701. Two Crude 702. U.N. Squadron 703. Ultra Balloon 704. Ultraman Club 705. Undercover Cops 706. US AAF Mustang 707. Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge 708. Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge 709. Vampire Savior 710. Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire 711. Vanguard 712. Vendetta 713. Viewpoint 714. Vigilante(1P) 715. Viper 716. Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer 717. Vs 10-Yard Fight 718. Vulcan Venture 719. Waku Waku 7 720. Wardner 721. Warriors of Fate 722. Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight 723. Willow (US) 724. Windjammers 725. Wise Guy 726. Wonder Boy 727. Wonder Boy (set 2) 728. Wonder Boy (set 4) 729. Wonder Boy Deluxe 730. Wonder Boy III 731. Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair 732. Wonder Boy in Monster Land 733. Wonder League Star 734. Wonder Momo 735. World Heroes 2 736. World Heroes 2 Jet 737. World Heroes Perfect 738. WWF WrestleFest 739. X Multiply 740. X-Men 741. X-Men Vs. Street Fighter 742. X-Men: Children of the Atom 743. Xybots 744. Yam! Yam!? 745. Yie Ar Kung-Fu 746. Yokai Douchuuki 747. Zed Blade 748. Zero Wing 749. Zero Zone 750. Zupapa! |
Shipping Info
Orders will be sent within 2 business days of the payment clearing. We ship to USA mainly. For international & bulk orders, please contact our support.
We use DHL Express to get your orders to you fast. Please note that we may ship from non USA warehouses if we are out of stock and it means goods are delivered quicker. This will not affect the shipping cost.
Shipping within USA is a flat rate of $9.95 for all orders below $250. All orders above $250 come with FREE shipping.